
Evolving Men

One Skill to rule them all 🔑

Published over 3 years ago • 2 min read



What ability grants you freedom, Power and access to Truth, Reader?


Even Wisdom and Clarity.


I've been pondering on the question of what it is that I'm actually helping people with.


The topics I cover are widely varied.

From Mastering your Emotions, improving your relationships, earning a living by doing what you love..


All these are great, but they are not IT.


There's something underlying all my explorations.


It came to me yesterday, while I was relaxing in bed, thoroughly enjoying watching my breath.


Man, this simplicity..


That's where it jumped into my face.


It's Awareness.


Awareness is what grants me to know myself, to see how many choices I have and to develop a deep understanding about life.


That's what I most long for.


When my Awareness is spacious enough, nothing that arises is a problem.


I follow it with curiosity and let myself be surprised by what unfolds.


Right now for example, I feel tension in my upper belly.

And somehow I'm welcoming it by breathing into it.

I'm even curious as to what I will discover by connecting to it.


Because my Awareness right now isn't collapsed, the tension isn't a problem.


It's just one of many forms my life energy is taking right now.


There is something so simple and yet so mysterious about Awareness.


You might get this feeling from reading my emails too.


I've heard from several people that what they appreciate about them is that there is something they beyond words.

Something between the lines.


I cannot tell you how or what I'm doing there, but I have a sense it's connected to giving these words and (more importantly) the space they are coming from my full Presence.


I've had a couple of conversations with Coaching Clients recently where they said,


"David, most of the time I have no idea what we are actually doing in the sessions.

But they are like an anchor of a different kind of Awareness for me.


I feel safe to expand my Consciousness."


Now you might read that and think about taking psychedelics to blast open your Consciousness.


I know many people who did.

I know very few who were able to integrate their experience.


Who were able to sustain even a tiny portion of what they became aware of.


No, the work I prefer is a different one.

It's more subtle.


Seemingly slower at times.


And yet, in the end far more powerful.


Because it's not a one-time experience.


It's a shift in your Consciousness that you cannot undo.


It's seeing your problems from a different view.


Suddenly there are obvious steps to take.


Not that all is suddenly solved, but you are not a helpless victim anymore.


Feels a bit scary to write that.

Like who I am to brag like that?!


Rereading what I wrote, it still feels true.


I will leave it at that.


I wish you a year of deepening your Awareness.


The challenges we are facing require us to question our own Perception.


To evolve.

Otherwise our solutions will simply recreate the same problems in a different form.


And hey, if you've read 'till here,

I'm taking on three courageous, dedicated souls through a process of Awakening and Grounding a new Awareness into their lives.
If this is you, hit reply and we'll talk!





David Lion

Evolving Men

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