You Underestimate Your Power, [FIRST NAME GOES HERE]

What if your struggle had nothing to do with there being something wrong with you?

What if it was simply an
expression of not having the right environment to flourish?

Think of yourself as a plant.
If a plant doesn't grow well, do you think the plant is defective?

Or do you think it might need more water, more light, more minerals?
Same goes for you.

I believe we overestimate the effects of what we've inherited or experienced and underestimate what a huge effect changes in our current lives can have.

(Note that I see great value in learning from our ancestors and healing childhood wounds. Both of these can help us see that we are not chained by our past.)

Instead of staying in a state of learned helplessness (not being able to get out of situations/ environments that are clearly not serving you), let's look at the most important factors for your growth.

How do you spend your 24 hours?

How much of your day do you spend doing things that ignite your passion? How often do you try out new things, make small experiments to see what actually works for you?

How often do you work towards something of meaning in your life?
How much of your day are doing things that make you numb, hopeless or disconnected?

You don't have to do stuff that excites you 24/7 to feel the effects. Even small changes can impact you big-time.

Who do you surround yourself with?

You are the result of the five people you spend most time with.
A popular saying that holds a lot of truth in my experience.

What do the people you surround yourself with embody? How do they see you?
What perspective on life do you take in from spending time with them?

What information are you taking in?

What stuff do you read?

Whose minds influence yours?

And of course, what foods do you eat, how much sun and fresh air do you get!

These prompts are not meant to have you see all the places where you're not doing enough.

Deep Breath.
They are simply pointers for you to try little changes.

No matter where you are in life, you have the power to change the course you are on. Not by one day doing everything differently.
But by small, consistent changes over time.

We heavily underestimate how much we're capable to change in the long-run.
And you don't have to do this all by yourself.

Find others with a similar desire.
The pain you feel is not just yours.

The EmbodiMen's Hub is a place where you get the chance to work on all three aspects mentioned above.

We'll dive into bringing healthy habits into your life, you'll be surrounded by men who are dedicated to the path of Embodiment & Presence and you'll receive high-quality book summaries and my favorite resources on Embodiment on a weekly basis.

Right now you can join the Hub for one year for 60€.

The Regular Price will be 30€ per month, so you're basically paying for 2 months and get a full year.

Here's what's part of the Hub:

Network of Men who “get you”

–> Become Part of an Exclusive Online Platform with other dedicated Men for regular Exchange,

get Feedback & Support on your Path

Monthly EmbodiMen’s Circle Live Calls

–> Connect with David & Other Men on the Path of Embodiment,

Practice Presence & Connection

Monthly Book Summary

Get A High-Quality Summary on latest Research & Findings on the Topics of Embodiment, Trauma, Neuro Science & Interpersonal Neurobiology

(Want a taster? Click here.)

Weekly David’s Favorite Resource

–> Benefit from my hours of researching to find the most high-quality article/video/podcast every week

Stay accountable

–> Use the forum to track your progress and get a gentle kick in the a** when needed

In summary:

Find the Balance between Diving into the Depths of your body and the mysteries of life


Get the Right Support to ground & understand your experience through high-quality information and a supportive Community

Regular Price: 30€ per month

Super Early Adopter Price: 60€ for one Year!

Join us at the EmbodiMen's Hub for a year of learning about Embodiment and having a community of dedicated brothers around you.

David Lion

Evolving Men

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